Speranţa de viaţă pe glob (2015).
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1. Five Major Drug Breakthroughs That Happened in 2018 [en]
[Childhood Epilepsy Meets its Match: Cannabis. Aimovig, the First-in-Class Migraine Prevention Drug. Lucemyra, the Non-Opioid Withdrawal Drug. Biktarvy, the Most Potent HIV Medication to Date. A “Big Brother” Digital Pill that Tracks Your Poop]

2. Why cells have the hidden power to save thousands of lives [en]
[Cell therapies have emerged as treatments for end-stage blood cancers. Two great waves defined the success of the pharmaceutical industry in the 20th century: the development of small-molecule drugs, such as Lipitor, which is used to lower cholesterol; and that of biologics, such as the anti-inflammatory drug Humira. In 2019 we will see a third wave come into its own – cell therapies. We can now manipulate large numbers of cells with advanced microfluidics, read genomic information via sequencing, introduce new genes with viral vectors, edit the genome with CRISPR and make sense of all this information with computational biology and bioinformatics. ]

3. Half of people who think they have a food allergy do not [en]
[US study finds some people needlessly avoid foods while others do not have life-saving medication.]

4. Artificial Intelligence Can Now Decode Words Directly from Brain Waves [en]
[Kelly Servick, writing for Science, reported this week on three papers posted to the preprint server bioRxiv in which three different teams of researchers demonstrated that they could decode speech from recordings of neurons firing. In each study, electrodes placed directly on the brain recorded neural activity while brain-surgery patients listened to speech or read words out loud. Then, researchers tried to figure out what the patients were hearing or saying. In each case, researchers were able to convert the brain's electrical activity into at least somewhat-intelligible sound files.]

5. Bitcoin: after 10 wild years, what next for cryptocurrencies? [en]
[From next to no value in 2009, it rose to $20,000 and crashed back to $3,000 within a decade. Two years after its inception, 10,000 bitcoin was just about enough to buy a couple of takeaway pizzas. Today those bitcoin would be worth nearly $38m.]

6. Ethan Siegel: The Five Ways The Universe Might End [en]

7. Zero is just 1,500 years old. Before it, there was nothing [en]
[Most academics attribute the invention of zero as a number—not as a warm body but a symbol in its own right, one that can be used in equations—to India.]


HOTNEWS: Recomandări privind sănătatea
[Fiecare grupă de sânge te face mai vulnerabil în fața anumitor boli. Află predispozițiile grupei tale; Răceşti des? Ce se întâmplă de fapt în organismul tău; Trei modalităţi simple prin care îţi poţi îmbunătăţi postura]
O selecţie destul de superficială de concluzii privind sănătatea luate de pe site-uri care abundă în pseudoştiinţă.



Cum funcţionează sistemul GPS?

¦ Societatea românească:

1. România a accesat un sfert din fondurile europene alocate [ro]
[România are alocată o sumă de 30,88 miliarde de euro pentru perioada 2014 - 2020, prin intermediul a opt programe, din care a accesat 26% (7,89 miliarde de euro), din care cea mai mare parte, 20% (6,12 miliarde de euro), o reprezintă plaţile iniţiale, 4% prefinanţările iniţiale şi 2% prefinanţările anuale.]

2. În România trenurile ating 160 km/h doar pe 3,8% din rețea [ro]
[De accelerat până la 160 km/h se poate, însă doar pe 406 kilometri de cale ferată, adică pe 3,8% din lungimea întregii rețele.]

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