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Experimentat (1.6k puncte) in categoria Tehnologie
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George, noi nu "credem", noi ne informam ! :))

Iata aici:
•    Main Function: Provide power to the rover
•    Location: Aft side of the rover
•    Size: 25 inches (64 centimeters) in diameter by 26 inches (66 centimeters) long
•    Weight: about 99 pounds (45 kilograms)
•    Power Source: Uses 10.6 pounds (4.8 kilograms) of plutonium dioxide as the source of the steady supply of heat
•    Electrical power produced: slightly over 100 watts
•    Batteries: 2 lithium ion rechargeable batteries to meet peak demands of rover activites when the demand temporarily exceeds the generator's steady electrical output levels
•    Reliability: NASA has used this power source reliably for decades, including the Apollo missions to the moon, the Viking missions to Mars, and the Pioneer, Voyager, Ulysses, Galileo, Cassini, and New Horizons missions.
•    Safety: Built with several layers of protective material to contain its fuel in a wide range of potential launch accidents, verified through impact testing. Manufactured in a ceramic form, is not a significant health hazard unless broken into very fine pieces or vaporized and then inhaled or swallowed. In the unlikely event of a launch accident, those who might be exposed would receive an average does of 5 to 10 millirem. The average American receives 360 millirem of radiation each year from natural sources, such as radon and cosmic rays.
•    Provided by Department of Energy
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Multumesc pt observatie Truth,pe viitor am sa-mi revizuiesc vocabularul ,asta e mai gresesc...

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deci curiosity foloseste ca sursa de energie  un Generator Termoelectric cu Radioizotopi (RTG- Radioisotope thermoelectric generator) si functioneaza cu plutoniu 238. ( 4,8 kg cantitatea folosita)
Puterea electrica generata de RTG este ~110W ( cat un bec cu incadescenta) iar puterea termica undeva la 2000W.
Mai pe larg citeste aici:
Senior (6.9k puncte)
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Este ceea ce eu definesc a fi un raspuns clar si la obiect.